Teaching technology to underserved kids
Hope IT finished two courses. We summarize what happened below. Thank you for your prayers.
Stars has been in the Pasadena community for 20 years now, working with underprivileged children and families. They are a natural partner for Hope IT, and we are blessed to partner with them.
As we mentioned in our last email, we started a 6 week course to create a game on smartphones. The picture above shows the group in Week 3. The picture at the end of this newsletter shows the game we created. Below are the key highlights.
From time to time, Hope IT creates new courses. We created a new Artificial Intelligence (AI) course, focused on using AI chat bots like ChatGPT, by writing what are called “ai prompts”. We offered the course in October, but due to difficulties our partners had to get students to sign up before the deadline, we had to revise the 4-week course to shortened 2-week course. We had 2 students from the Door of Hope. We are grateful to try out our ideas for the new course. Below are a few highlights.
We thank you for your support and encouragement. Please pray for our students, and our upcoming courses in January (Data Analysis) and February (WordPress…that allows for a paid internship after the course.)
Wishing you a Spirit-filled holidays. God bless.
–Mike Veerman
Hope IT team lead
Our first Intermediate course was on SQL/databases.
Hope IT just finished our first Intermediate course. We want to start creating more Intermediate courses, for students that have taken many of our beginning courses, and to offer them topics that lead directly into paid positions.
SQL (and databases) is one such topic so many programmers know. SQL has been stable for 3 decades unlike other tools and languages that change rapidly over time. Part of the reason is the many companies that have databases that use SQL, and many programmers just pull data out using this technology, and the problem is so well bounded. The flip side is, because so many programmers know SQL, it is one of those languages that new databases need to offer, if it will be widely adopted.
With this new course, we only had one student that was ready for this Intermediate course, so this was an invite-only situation. As this student is far away from LA, we adapted the course to be on-line. It is best to have this course be taught in-person.
Another interesting development occurred: Due to all the Hope IT team members schedules in March, we could not all be at the course. So we took turns leading the course; we all know SQL. This allowed each of the Hope IT team members to explain different topics, and give different emphasis. Overall, this course turned out to be very strong…and advanced…for this one student. We learned how to improve the course for next time. Below are some of the highlights.
To touch this off, in the same theme of showing differences, our Scriptural reflections was the parable of the sower, and the 4 different places the seeds were sown. And we reflect how we can be good soil.
Hope IT would not be able to function without partners. No kids, no laptops, no Rotobic kits, no internships, no funds for kids that are assistants and co-instructors, no fun, no Hope IT. Our partners make it happen. So we appreciate all our partners. We created a new web page, see the link below.
Here we want to highlight, and thank our partners:
Hope IT just had a good re-introduction with Stars a few weeks ago. As mentioned above, Stars is an after-school and mentoring program for underserved kids in the Pasadena area. Three members of the Hope IT team came. Hope IT visited their new facilities at Lake Avenue Church. We heard about many of their efforts during COVID, caring for kids and families around Pasadena. We are touched and just in awe of their work. We spoke to key members of the Stars team, and showed what Hope IT has done since 2023. We agreed to find ways to partner. We look forward to working with them going forward. (We forgot to take a picture to show you all.)
Hope IT has a little break in April and May, before we finish this school year with another course in June, Solving Mazes with Python. We’ll probably have a few more newsletters before the school ends.
We are so grateful for all your prayers, support, and encouragement. We think kids do see their skill and confidence improve, and see their futures more positively. Thank God.
Peace,–Mike Veerman
Hope IT team lead
Week 1 in our SQL course – SELECTing all rows from the Creatures table
Happy (very) belated new year. Hope IT has been very busy. Our new year has started with a full slate of courses; we finished 2 courses already, and one new course is coming up.
We had 2 students attend our Data Analysis course in January, the third time we taught it. Below are the highlights of this course.
WordPress helps to make websites quickly and easily. It is a great skill to have. We had two students come to this course.
Hope IT continues to have another back-to-back-to-back course. This next one is very, very special. Our new SQL/database course at a higher level…our very first Intermediate course. All other courses are beginner’s courses, just to get a taste of the topic. This next SQL/database course offers direct skills a programmer needs to get data our of a database.
This course Hope IT determined is an invite-only course. We have one student coming (from the Door of Hope.) He is a Senior in high school, and very ready for real-industry skills. He takes our Hope IT courses very seriously. We look forward to this new course to start, and will give you an update. This course will be an on-line course, as this one student lives far away from Pasadena. We’ll give you an update on how it went.
What a start of the new year! At the end of our SQL/database course, we would have 12 straight Saturdays of courses, 3 courses in a row. That’s a record. Our team is strong enough that someone takes breaks, others on the team continue the course. We enjoy working as a team. The bad part of all these on-line courses, we don’t really have photos to share with you.
God bless.
–Mike Veerman
Hope IT team lead
Hope IT is grateful to share with you how our Partner’s Luncheon went in September, and our Robotics course in October. We are also active in preparing for 3 courses coming up in January, February, and March.
Hope IT hosted a luncheon for our partners. This is an excellent opportunity for the Hope IT team to connect with leaders, when we are not laser focused on students. This gathering is one way for Hope IT to thank the leaders at our partner organizations for both what they do week in and week out for their youth, and for connecting with Hope IT. We were so engaged, we did not get a picture. Below is a summary of our time.
We had 3 students come to the Robotics course. We always have fun with this course, and it is a great way to connect with new students, and have them work on something new. Here are some key highlights.
Normally, the Hope IT team would have a break at this time of the year. This school year, we are planning for more courses. So we are busy meeting to prepare lesson plans, and cover with some of us cannot be there. Here is what is coming up:
Lastly, Hope IT remains connected to our students from last year. There are 2 key students that attended almost all of our courses last year. However, they moved far away from the LA area over the summer. They are in new schools now. They are seniors in high school this year. Hope IT is creating monthly “check-in” times for us to stay connected, offer encouragement, and keep the relationship going…growing. Hope IT team is experimenting with these times, to have the students join all at the same time, and probably encourage each other. We are touched by these times, and our students are so appreciative of staying connected. Below is what we chatted about in our last gathering this month:
We know God is looking for faithfulness. Hope IT is not a resounding, shining example of success. We keep at it. Thank you for your support, and prayers.
Have a great Thanksgiving, and Spirit-filled Christmas.
–Mike Veerman
Hope IT team lead
Hope IT is preparing for a new school year. We have new goals and ideas. Please pray for the students that will come this year to our courses, for their parents and families, for the Hope IT partnering organizations, and for the Hope IT team. We have seen how time, energy and experiences can reshape how our young students see themselves, God, and their future.
Hope IT is working on improvements from last year:
You will see some of these goals show up in our efforts.
The key to the effort of Hope IT is deepening our effort with our partners. Hope IT is part of the holistic care of the student. Once there is trust and common understanding of what Hope IT aims to do, and why that is compelling for young students, partnership is working better. Hope IT can offer extended opportunities for students, but Hope IT does not have the resources or experience to guide and care for many of the core needs of the students.
This is where partnership is so key. Hope IT saw some good partnership begin to foster last year, and we look to both expand to new partners, and go further with existing ones. Below are a few examples of both:
Hope IT is so grateful for the partnership we have had, and continue to have. We look forward to another good year.
Hope IT is offering the same courses offered last school year. We seem to have a rhythm with the 3 basic courses of Robotics, WordPress, and Solving Mazes with the Python programming language.
We are adding a new approach. To date, we have only offered beginning courses. Now, we will offer an intermediate course, on SQL (which is how programmers pull data out of a database.) To prepare students for this, we are offering a 4th beginning course in January, on Data Analysis.
We have a full load of courses. It will be a stretch for Hope IT to pull this off. The schedule of courses is below.
Month | Description |
October | Introduction to Robotics: Get hands on with the wiring, circuits, and components to make a robot. |
January | Data Analysis (online): Create dashboards to present data with grids, line and bar charts, and filters. |
February | WordPress (online): Create a website with no programming. Add pictures, videos, links, and a blog. |
March | New Intermediate course on SQL & Databases: Learn this super important skill to pull data out of a database. |
June | Solve Mazes with Python programming: Python is one of the most widely used programming languages for so many uses. Learn some of the basics, while having fun making a virtual robot get out of a maze. |
We know, some of our efforts will work, and some may not pan out like we hope. We will keep working at it, trying to give students opportunities and allow them fun, expanded community with adults and IT professionals, and real IT skills.
We look forward to what God has in store for us this school year. Do continue to pray for us, our students, partners, and team.
Hope IT is thankful to God, our students, our partners, and for your supportive prayers and gifts. In this update, we highlight the June course, and review how the last 2022-23 school-year went.
In June, Hope IT had a Maze Solving course using the Python programming language. See more details about the course at this link. Below are the highlights of this course in June:
You can see God has blessed our students, our Hope IT team, and our efforts this last school year. Thank you for your prayers, support and encouragement.
Working with underserved students is a privilege, a blessing, and challenging. Admittedly, we at times are challenged, and the going gets tough. We look to God for direction and hope, and point to some successes as making all the effort worth it.
We are looking forward to similar increases this upcoming school year, God willing.
–Mike Veerman
Hope IT team lead
Hope IT is seeing improvements this school year, starting with re-newing our partnerships, re-starting in-person courses, and other new efforts. Those are all paying off…seeing fruit. Thanks be to God. We want to report on our second partner-only course this school year, our internship working, our last course of the year, and even some Hope IT team changes.
In April, Hope IT had a Robotic course just for Door of Hope students. Below are the highlights of this course:
We are wrapping up the paid internship for one Hope IT student. We are just thilled how this turned out:
We have an upcoming June course – Solving Mazes with Python. This is the last course for the school year:
The Hope IT team is changing. We are saying goodbye to 2 long-time team members, and hello to new members:
Hope IT is approaching the end of the school year. We will send a final update in the summer. We are thankful for the progress of our students this school year, and preparing for the next one.
We are all blessed to see God’s steadfast love shown to students who do not otherwise get many opportunities. We are all blessed: our students, their families, our partners, and the Hope IT team. Thank you for your prayers and support.
God is good.
–Mike Veerman
Hope IT team lead
Hope IT is grateful to God for new opportunities. We are really expanding: here are a few highlights. With this expansion, we are now in need of financial support. This is the first time we are asking for financial assistance to support this expansion.
Hope IT is grateful to have 2 courses completed last month, and one course starting in April:
Hope IT’s efforts are expanding…with expanding costs:
Hope IT is looking to gain more funding. Please consider donating money.
We love to see this growth. It brings a different kind of challenge. Bless you for your prayers, and considering financially supporting Hope IT.
What we are firm about is the love of God, and God’s emphasis on caring for those on the margins. Hope IT is so blessed to work with our partners, and especially, with the students that come to Hope IT courses.
God bless.
–Mike Veerman
Hope IT team lead
Here’s how to donate from the Hope IT website:
Go to our “Donate” web page at this link: https://hopeit.net/donate/
Click the “Donate” button, see the green arrow below.
You will be forwarded to the Bridges’ DonorPerfect donation web page. Bridges is Hope IT’s fiscal sponsor. You can give a one-time gift, or set up monthly giving.
Fill in your personal information (see below), and click the “Next” button at the bottom.
You can donate using your credit card or directly from your bank account. We show both options below, using the “Payment Option” drop down, see the green arrows below. You can also select to cover the small transaction fee, or now. When you are finished, click the “Submit Payment” button at the bottom.
You will receive an email from Bridges, thanking you for your donation. Please keep this donation email for you tax purposes. Hope IT thanks you for your donation!! Thank you for your partnership in allowing underserved students gain computer/IT skill, confidence, and glimpse of God’s love.